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Eye Doctor Service (CUES, Community Urgent Eye Service)​


We offer an eye-doctor type service for people with any of the following symptoms:


  • Dry Eyes (after seeing a pharmacist and trying home remedies).

  • Red eye with pain.

  • Extreme light-sensitivity.

  • Painful eye.

  • Flashes and/or floaters in vision.

  • Double vision.

  • Blurry vision that doesn't appear to be due to needing glasses.

  • Distorted vision.

  • Sudden loss or reduction of vision in 1 or both eyes.

  • Gaps in vision.

  • Ingrowing eyelashes.

  • Something in the eye.


There is no charge to the patient for this service.

The only eligibility requirements for the service are as follows:


  • The patient must be at least 3 years old.

  • The patient must be registered with a Hull or East Yorkshire GP.


Anyone that meets these criteria is eligible for this service.




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