Eye Doctor Service (CUES, Community Urgent Eye Service)​
We offer an eye-doctor type service for people with any of the following symptoms:
Dry Eyes (after seeing a pharmacist and trying home remedies).
Red eye with pain.
Extreme light-sensitivity.
Painful eye.
Flashes and/or floaters in vision.
Double vision.
Blurry vision that doesn't appear to be due to needing glasses.
Distorted vision.
Sudden loss or reduction of vision in 1 or both eyes.
Gaps in vision.
Ingrowing eyelashes.
Something in the eye.
There is no charge to the patient for this service.
The only eligibility requirements for the service are as follows:
The patient must be at least 3 years old.
The patient must be registered with a Hull or East Yorkshire GP.
Anyone that meets these criteria is eligible for this service.